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Ukrainian solar power costs drop by 80%


Published by Mars January 17,2020

    Experts from the Institute of Renewable Energy of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences said that the cost of solar power generation has dropped significantly in the near future. "Five years ago, the cost of 1 kilowatt of solar power was about $ 4,000, and now it is $ 600-800. The drop in prices is due to technological developments and increased competition from peers."

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    Experts believe that solar energy is also beneficial in renewable energy because it facilitates practical applications. No additional research is required before installation, no additional machinery is needed, and it is available everywhere in an open environment. Moreover, solar energy is not harmful to the environment and is produced throughout the year. "Solar panels can be installed anywhere. No matter where they are, solar panels can work and generate energy even when we can't see the sun, The same is true in winter. "

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    Experts also said that solar power stations have much lower power due to cloudy weather, but this is a common problem for all renewable energy sources that rely on natural factors. The way out now is to accumulate green energy. Although it is very expensive now, it is only a matter of time.

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